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Monday, December 12, 2005

Which "Friend" Are You?

Which "Friend" Are You?

Mon! You're the normal one, honey, in the best way possible. You're caring, you're responsible, you look to the future—what a gem. Wait a second, did you just start editing for grammar mistakes in the middle of reading your own compliments? Ok, so you like things, well, the way you like them. But even when you're smiling through clenched teeth, waiting for everyone else to get with the program, deep down, you're really still smiling. You're just waiting for that impatient moment to pass. When it comes right down to it, you are thoughtful, meticulous, and good at what you do. As for romance, you can be a little picky and want things to be just-so. We wouldn't expect anything less. And like the original Monica, if you can avoid rushing into things, you'll find the right match and all the happiness your sweet, finicky, heart deserves.


  • At 7:40 PM, Blogger Gugga said…

    Hei það er enginn linkur til þess að taka prófið :( (ég hélt að ég væri Monican í hópnum....hehe ;)

  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger Tilvera okkar.... said…

    Já nákvæmlega og ég hélt að ég væri Chandler í hópnum!!! Þú finnur link inn á prófsíðuna þarna hægra megin....stendur gáfnapróf og fleira :)

  • At 9:07 AM, Blogger Gugga said…

    Ég er s.s. Rachel. Nú svo tók ég Desperate Housewifes og þar er ég Bree. Nú svo er jólalagið mitt "Deck the Halls"....fa la la la la!!! já og ég er gönguskór! ........er orðin leið á þessari ritgerð!

  • At 1:11 PM, Blogger Sveinsína said…

    Æ, ég hefði nú ekki haldið að við værum sami karakterinn Gugga en sú er víst raunin ;o)


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