Take the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)"
You have moonlight eyes. Moonlight is the color of mystery. Your eyes symbolize your ability to see yourself as others see you. You have finesse for letting other people know what you think. You have a soothing and calming ability that you may or may not know about. You have the awesome ability to draw a person's negative energy out and replace it with a positive energy; the world needs more people like you. Some words to describe you: patient, self-controlled, perseverance, insightful, reflective, understanding, serene, and caring.
You have moonlight eyes. Moonlight is the color of mystery. Your eyes symbolize your ability to see yourself as others see you. You have finesse for letting other people know what you think. You have a soothing and calming ability that you may or may not know about. You have the awesome ability to draw a person's negative energy out and replace it with a positive energy; the world needs more people like you. Some words to describe you: patient, self-controlled, perseverance, insightful, reflective, understanding, serene, and caring.
At 11:30 AM, Gugga said…
Ég tók þetta líka og setti á mína síðu. Passar ekki!!
At 12:41 PM, Tilvera okkar.... said…
....það er nú alveg magnað að þykjast geta fundið svona út af 5 spurningum :) Myndi vilja hitta gaurinn sem bjó þetta til og spyrja hann nokkra spurninga um tilurð þessa sannleika :)
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